Thursday, April 27, 2006

Hospital Sleep Over

Thursday 29/9/05

I ended up sleeping over at the hospital on the Tuesday night....Thankfully we had a friend (Marey) boarding with us and she offered to look after the boys so I could stay... I left early on the Wednesday morning to go home and get the boys ready for school... Then After dropping them off at school and Kindy I went straight to the hospital to sit with Aaron all day and talk to the Dr's when they came around. Hoping that they may know more than they did on the Tuesday....

We didn't know much more by Thursday as they were still conducting a whole lot of tests... The DR's had said on the positive side that it looked like it might not be leukaemia... But it could still be viral and he may need a bone marrow transplant at some time... They tested Aaron’s blood for a large range of diseases like chronic fatigue... Hepatitis B and C, Aids etc and all of those have come back clear.. We were told that some of the tests results could take up to 7 weeks.... so at that stage he was in hospital till the following Monday at least.... Their reasoning was... because his blood count was so low it would be dangerous for him to be at home. The risk we would take with having him home was if he was to bang himself hard enough he would bleed out in like 3 mins.. Plus he really had no energy. I was much happier with Aaron being in Hospital where they could give him the care he may have needed immediately..... His white blood count was 2.4 on Wednesday and 1.9 on Thursday they should be round 4.0-11.0... His red blood (haemoglobin) was 68 and it should be around 135-180.... His platelets were 16 which was really low and should be round 150-450. Platelets are responsible for the clotting factor in your blood… The Dr’s were concerned with all the low counts but this was the one that they were really concerned with because of the bleeding risk…. He was also given a vitamin B12 injection (because that was low too) on the Thursday morning to see if that helped any.... The Doctors had him on some hydration (saline) since the day he was admitted to hospital in the hope that it would help his blood counts... It didn’t... So they took him off the drip by Thursday afternoon at 2.30pm...

I took the boys back to visit their Dad at the hospital that night but boys being boys.... they really have trouble sitting still and being quiet... I do expect a lot from our 6 & ½ year old and 3 & ¼ year old...

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