Sunday, 2nd October 2005
Marey and I went to the hospital today while the boys went to church with someone else and we got a whole heap of balloons and streamers to decorate Aaron's room... After all it was his 30th and who doesn’t want a fuss to be made over them on their 30th?... He was moved into his own room on Thursday as he was neutropenic... Which means he had a very low immunity and being in a room with 3 other people and their guests could pose a potential threat to Aaron... Marey and I made Aaron a cake for his birthday... We had such a blast last night making the cake… I wanted to make a bottom cake… Because it was a "real bummer" that he was in hospital... Because it was the "raw end" of the deal... We laughed so hard!... because of all the sad little jokes and puns we were coming up with... It's amazing how much fun you can have from one simple little thought about a "BUM" cake.. It was great medicine for me... I couldn’t think how to make it look like a bottom... Marey told me to go look in the mirror... At first I refused, but then I gave in because it was just not coming to me... It did not help one bit!... Marey said that Aaron would appreciate that I modeled for the cake... How embarrassment!.. We took his guitar and some music in so we could have a bit of a party... I got the nurses to give us a big syringe so I could stick it into the cake… I thought it might look better than a candle... It did look funny though... Laura came to visit... So did JB and Sabrina... So it was a nice little birthday party... Aaron was having some fun... He played the guitar and we sang... He stopped for a while and I wanted to play another song but I made a meal of it so Aaron got the guitar and played one more... Then he said that he had had enough and I could tell by the tone in his voice and the look in his eye that he really meant it...
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