Monday, April 24, 2006

First Blessing

Wed 28th Sept 2005
I drove straight to one of our minister friends place to see if he could come to the hospital to give Aaron and administration. He lives about 5 mins away from the hospital and I really felt like I needed someone else there with me to help me. Ray has been like a father to us and has helped us out quite a few times when we have needed fatherly advice or support, especially in matters of a spiritual nature. He was very obliging and came right away with me. Some of the things that I remember from the blessing were that the Dr's would be blessed with the knowledge to discover and diagnose what it was that was wrong with Aaron. And to know that Heavenly Father loves him and that his family love him and will stand by him through all this. ... It was comforting to have someone support us in the very beginning of what would be a long and unknown journey. Also I felt that the Lord really was looking out for us and he would be helping us by strengthening and guiding us all through this. Sometimes simply to have the already learned knowledge reaffirmed can be a great comfort.

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